2024 Belantrae Greens Pool Rules
Swimming pool rules incorporate the REQUIRED New Jersey State Sanitary Code, Chapter IX, 8:26-5.4 bather rules for swimming pools. These are indicated by a O. Our rules are consistent with typical condominium pool rules and liability policies. Anyone found in violation of the rules will be subject to removal from the pool area and/or a fine. Your health, safety, comfort, enjoyment, and liabilities are the main concerns of the recreation committee. This is a private community pool for Belantrae Greens Residents. Please help all your neighbors have a pleasurable experience.
Starting the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, the pool will be open seven (7) days per week from 12 noon to 7 P.M. unless darkness comes before 7 P.M. Pool closes at dark and during electrical storms. O Storm closings are at the discretion of the lifeguard.
1. The pool is closed and off limits to everyone if no lifeguard is on duty or present at the pool. Only lifeguards and those with permission may enter the Pool Office.
2. All residents and guests must sign in at the entry table by the lifeguard. Guests must be accompanied at all times by a unit resident who is responsible for their safety and behavior. Unit residents must provide chairs for their guests. Three guests are permitted per Unit. Additional guests must receive permission from the office with the purchase of additional guest passes. The lifeguard will ask unaccompanied persons to leave.
3. Pool parties are not allowed unless special permission is granted from the office one week in advance and no parties are allowed on weekends.
4. All persons shall shower before entering the water. O
5. Children under fourteen (14) years of age must be under the direct supervision of an adult (over 18) at all times.
6. Parents are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children. Conduct which compromises the safety and comfort of others is prohibited. O Running, ball playing, horse play, shoulder-standing, loud behavior, loud music, and inappropriate language or behavior is not permitted.
7. Children too small to stand with their heads comfortably above the water must be within arm's reach of an adult in the pool at all times.
8. Super Soft Water Balls are allowed and are available from the lifeguard. These are the only balls/Frisbees permitted. When the pool is too crowded (in the opinion of the lifeguard) the use of balls in the pool will be suspended. No other throwing objects will be allowed in the pool. Water guns, and anything the squirts water is prohibited in the entire pool area at all times. Standard foam noodles are permitted for play (not as a safety device) and are available at the lifeguard stand. Games should be played on the grassy area outside the pool.
9. Rafts, tubes, baby floats and other inflatables are prohibited. O Swimmies (attached to a vest recommended) are permitted if adult caregiver (over 18) is in the pool, within arm's reach of the child.
10. Sitting on, playing on or blocking the pool access steps in any way are unsafe and prohibited actions. Small children cannot be placed on the steps to play.
11. Diving is strictly forbidden in any area of the pool.
12. No glass containers allowed in the pool enclosure. O Food or drink containers are permitted on the grassy area ONLY. No food or drinks allowed in the pool.
13. Alcoholic beverages, drugs or persons under their influence are strictly prohibited inside the pool area enclosure. O
14. Lounges and tables may not be reserved. Towels will be removed if no one is present. Residents may bring their own chairs, but these may not be left overnight in the pool area.
15. Any person showing evidence of any communicable skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes, cold, nasal or ear discharges, or any other communicable disease shall be denied admission. O
16. Any person with excessive sunburn, open blisters, cuts, or bandages shall be denied admission. O
17. Do not enter the water if you are experiencing or recovering from diarrhea or have had any signs or symptoms of a gastrointestinal (stomach) disease in the past seven days. O
18. Any person/child wearing diapers, must wear plastic pants with snug fitting elastic waist and leg bands over their clean diapers O or they will not be permitted access to the pool. Keep in mind that a high bacteria count in the pool will cause it to be closed to everyone for a week.
19. No diaper changing at poolside. Bacteria and other organisms transfer quickly to chairs and tables putting everyone at risk. Please use the changing table in the restroom. Men with babies may use the changing table in the Women's restroom. Do not put soiled diapers in outdoor trash receptacles.
20. Encourage children to use the restroom before entering the water and throughout the day. Immediately report any solid waste "accidents" you observe in the bathing waters to a lifeguard. O
21. Trash must be put into proper receptacles. Whenever possible, please use recycling bins.
22. Dogs and other animals, except for service animals, are not permitted within the pool area enclosure, and cannot be tied-up unattended outside the pool area. O
23. Lifeguards ensure the safety of everyone. Be considerate of them at all times. Please do not converse with the lifeguards while they are on duty. This threatens the safety of others.
24. Lifeguards and residents have the authority to enforce the above rules. Please tell the lifeguard or a Belantrae Board member if rules are not followed.
Notes: The pool temperature is regulated by Red Cross and CDC guidelines for a variety of health reasons. No one may change the pool temperature, including the lifeguard. Please do not request changes.
Should a question or problem arise, contact the Management Office, M. T. W. & F between the hours of 8 AM and 2 PM at (973) 377-3634. If no answer, leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible. If urgent, contact the Recreation Chairman, Steve Reichenstein at (732) 236-3746.